Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Rejuvenate & Renew Challenge Update: 6/15 to 6/21

As a reminder, the Rejuvenate and Renew Challenge is about reading non-fiction that builds, teaches, focuses, or simply pushes you to improve yourself. I often get so caught up in reading my huge mountain of fiction novels, and books I need to read for teaching, that I don't often get a chance to read those "help yourself" (yes, like self help) sort of books that help me change or grow in some way.

So, how am I doing? Finished--
  1. Suze Orman's Action Plan for 2009
  2. TBA
  3. TBA
I'm still on track, but will continue reading Elie Krieger's novel. I actually also purchased her cookbook The Food You Crave, as I'd checked it out from the library a month ago and found it to be a pretty great cookbook. I'll try to make something and post a picture, and even review it with Krieger's book, Small Changes, Big Results. (For more information about Krieger's cookbook, see The Food You Crave: Luscious Recipes for a Healthy Life)

How are you doing? If you're part of the challenge, leave a comment. If you're not, join today and tell us what you'd like to read!

Well, back to the islands for me. I fly out tomorrow afternoon, and am actually looking forward to some great reading time on the plane!


  1. I want to finish the Egyptian Art book by the end of Thursday so I write about it for the bloggiesta. It's actually pretty good--I'm glad I'm making the time to read it!

  2. I checked out the Food You Crave too and really enjoyed it. Look forward to you cooking something from it and telling us what you think!!
