Friday, June 5, 2009

48 Hour Challenge #2

First off, let me mark off my stats for the 48 Hour Challenge.

Hours: 5 1/2
Reading Time: 2 (What! Why so few...let me explain)
Books Read: 1
Blogging/Twittering: 2
Working Online Job: 1
Talking to Stressed out Friend Studying for Boards: 1/2

I will admit that I've had a slow start. Since I've had a lot of interruptions to my online availability and time, I don't think it's strange to see my 2 hour start to this challenge with nonstop blog reading and twittering. I now am pretty well caught up, and feel "back on my feet" again. Sigh. Feels good to be back to my old self (sort of). Also, it's interesting that since I'm here in Hawaii, I'm 4 hours behind my home in MST and I'm noticing people heading off to bed. I'll be up for a bit, as I'm pretty wired to really dive into the books I've lined up. So, here's what I have planned. (FYI--My book boxes haven't arrived yet, so I'm reading what I have here.)

1. Suze Orman's 2009 Action Plan -- DONE
2. The Inheritance of Loss (Which I won't be able to read straight...I'll trade off on this one.)
3. Club Dead (Book 3 in Sophie Stookhouse series.)
3. The Tales of Beedle the Bard (Nope. Still haven't read it!)
4. The Sinful Life of Lucy Burns (New Release)
5. The Grand Sophy (New Release)
6. Wings (Fairly new, but one I picked up at the Provo Book Festival.)
7. First They Killed My Father (For school)
8. Fablehaven (Also picked up at Provo Book Festival)
9. The Host

Alternates...if I get bored:

10. New Moon
11. Small Changes, Big Results (For my Rejuvenate & Renew Challenge.)
12. Tumbling Through Time

No, there is no way I'll get through those. I'm just not that speedy, and I do still have to do my online job in the middle of all of this. I also have promised my mother that I'd go to a movie with her tomorrow. For now, this is my stack of reads ahead. I'm going to finish my review, then head back to reading. I'll try to update when I head to bed though!


  1. You're doing MUCH better than I am and you have some great titles listed :-)

  2. I heard Fablehaven is great! My roommate was reading it a few weeks back, I should have stolen in from her. However, I have a HUGE to be read pile already.
