Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Review: A Place of Yes by Bethenny Frankel

Synopsis:  From Goodreads "Bethenny Frankel's no-nonsense, tell-it-like-it-is personality won over countless fans, and made her a nationally bestselling author and the star of her own hit Bravo show Bethenny Getting Married? Now Bethenny opens up and shares the obstacles she overcame and the great success she has enjoyed while discovering how to approach life from “A Place of Yes.” Bethenny’s path was not always clear as she overcame a difficult childhood, failed relationships, entrepreneurial efforts that never quite got off the ground, and lifelong money struggles. To deal with these challenges, Bethenny developed ten rules for pursuing her goals with authenticity and drive." 

Review:  Having been a fan of Bethenny Frankel's for awhile now, I really wanted to check out her "ten rules" for tackling life.  For anyone who has watched her reality shows, you know that Bethenny is pretty much an open book about her past and present.  She has shared her career, relationships, and family with her audience.  Now, she digs in to share what she has come to realize and records it in her semi-autobiographical book, A Place of Yes: 10 Rules for Getting Everything You Want. 

Many of the rules Bethenny shares in her book deal with personal honesty and hard work.  You do have to somehow be brave enough to say yes to things in your life that are scary or difficult; however, I wonder if some "self help" suggestions really just fit the person who realized them.  I really appreciated learning about what drove her to become the person that she is, but I don't know that they always fit every person.  There was one rule about not doing work that is unsatisfying, and attempting things that scare you and help you achieve your best self.  I'd love to say that I could drop my job and find that "blissful" fit, but I think there is a fine line between doing what you do best, by which you feel fulfilled, and doing what you do best but not necessary liking work for all its stresses.  My parents always reminded me that work is called work for a reason.  I don't know how realistic it is to toss over ones "real life" for the hopes of a better one.  I will admit that it takes great courage when you do realize you need to find a better path.

All right, so let me cut to the chase.  I thought Bethenny's book gave some good information about how she achieved greater success and joy in her life.  While not all the "rules" she listed might fit every person--in my opinion--I appreciated the journey she took us on and was rather interested in what she learned.

*FTC Disclosure:  This review was based on a library copy of the book.


  1. I've never watched any of Bethenny's TV series. She seems kind of... grating. What does she do? Other than be on TV, I mean.

  2. Sounds like it might be good if you considered it a memoir but not so much a self help book???
