Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Book Blogger Get Together & Library Loot

Sadly, I'm not participating in BBAW.  I'm kind of mad at myself for not pulling myself together more to get involved, but I'll admit to avoiding even the very thought of anything that requires me to sign up because of how crazy things are with work and my online job.  I'm sure enjoying all the posts though!  I know I'll be back in that groove soon, so for this year I'm just going to appreciate from the sidelines. 

All right.  It's time for me to make a confession and acknowledge that I'm NOT the camera queen.  Every time I leave an event or get together, I think, "Wait.  Why didn't you take a camera or get any pictures?"  Well, I'm regretting it about now when I want to report back on our Utah Book Blogger Summer Social.  Our numbers were small, but it was a fun time chatting about books, social media, and blogging in general. I met a few new (to me) bloggers, and chatted with others that I knew and had met before.  Thanks to everyone for such a great time!

I have to give a quick shout out and thank you to Allie Condie and Suey at It's All About Books for bringing us copies of her sequel Crossed, which comes out on November 1st.  I managed to win a copy that I'm going to have to read pretty quickly so I can pass it along to MANY of my students who are going to be knocking down my classroom door to borrow it.  Thanks for the books Allie and for bringing them to share, Suey!  Also, thanks again to Suey (from above), Natasha at Maw Books Blog and Emily at Emily's Reading Room for putting this great event together.

On the home front with reading, I managed to make it up to the gym and library (they usually go hand in hand since they are next door to one another) on Monday.  Yes.  It's a modern miracle!  The power went out right at the end of our meetings and we were told to turn everything off.  Since it was time to go anyway, that was the big push to just shut down and head home.  I suffered through a workout and then ran to the library.  Here's what I picked up:

Well, that is only a small dent in the  number of books I have stacked around the house, in my room, on the shelves, and even on the floors.  It's always great though to have plenty of options!

What great finds have you made lately?


  1. I hope to post about the party soon, and I took THREE really terrible pictures! But I'll share them anyway! :) My husband has totally grabbed Crossed, but once he's done, my turn!

  2. At least you blogged about it. Without pictures I just don't think I will. That's some fun books you got. I'm interested in what you'll think of Outlaw. I'll wait and see before deciding whether I'll read it. The Jane Austen Education in going on my list, though! Oh, and I've heard good things about Falling for Hamlet.

  3. It was fun to meet you on Saturday. I also took three or four really blurry pictures of people eating. Maybe I'll end up putting them up on my blog.
    Hope you like Crossed (and the rest of your library books!)

  4. Hey, it is good to hear from you irrespective of you being in the midst of BBAW or not..

    Here is my post:

    BBAW: Community thingy II

  5. That Falling for Hamlet cover is AMAZING!

    Don't you have a camera in your cell phone? :)

  6. The "Jane Austin Education" looks interesting. I'll be checking my library for it. Thanks for the heads up.
