Monday, December 31, 2012

New Year's Eve Readathon: Update

It's been a fun night!  I don't know if I've ever mentioned, but I have two holidays that I associate with a bad break up and some emotions that I'd love to put away for good.  Yes.  New Year's Eve is one of them.  Why I manage to forget the good times, especially those amazing years in Hawaii with their overwhelming celebrations, I'll never know!  Anyway, I tend to really dislike New Year's Eve.  Thanks to a readathon that gives me a reason to avoid pretending to be over the moon with the celebrations going on, I am attempting to reshape the holiday.  :)  Thanks to Picky Girl for all her work on this one!

I'm getting ready to dive back into my reading and wanted to do a bit of an update, since I have a feeling I'll be falling asleep soon.  Here is my update:

Books Read:  0 that I can count as finished
Pages Read:  400-500 so far, but I've been bouncing between four different books
Rationale:  I actually didn't want to finish anything (which sounds crazy, I know), but that's because I want to start off 2013 with a number of books read.  :)
Snacks/Meals:  Only one break for food and sustenance.  Shocking, I know!
Text Messages:  About 20+ thanks to a flurry of texts sent between myself and my family and friends out of state.  My poor family and friends locally!  (Now I'm feeling guilty that I didn't text them too. Sorry!)
Papers Graded:  10 AP Essays during the course of this readathon.  If you know me, that is nothing shy of a miracle and puts me right on track to have them finished before I head back to work.  (This also makes me nuts, yet very happy.)
Craziest Distraction, Outside of Grading:  Anderson Cooper and Kathy Griffin on CNN's New Year's Eve.  Watching Kathy made Anderson uncomfortable and giggle incessantly while trying to change the subject, just made me laugh.

I'm off to do some reading and to ring in the New Year.  Thanks to everyone who put up with my endless tweeting about nonsense and my lack of focus.  You've all helped me lift the dark cloud off of this holiday a little more.  Maybe next year I can sweep the bad memories away for good!   Have a great one!


  1. It was a fun readathon! I am glad I participated.

  2. Hi Becky - I wanted to stop by to wish you Happy New Year - and I am sorry to hear that this year has been rather difficult for you. I have been out of the loop for most of 2012, but I hope to change that in 2013. I look forward to catching up with your posts in the coming days.

  3. Happy new year to you Becky!! I feel like such a kindred spirit to you sometimes! I've associated this New Year with a relationship end too and it really would have been hard had it not been for this readathon with you all :) So thanks for sharing New Years Eve with me!!! And wishing you a WONDERFUL 2013!!!! We both need wonderful 2013s :p

  4. I think when bad things happen during the holidays, you remember them more because the next holiday ALWAYS brings that memory up, you know what I mean? Maybe some day you'll hook up with the love of your life on New Year's and then it won't have the bad association anymore. :)
