Thursday, May 21, 2009

Two Challenges: 48 Hour Book Challenge & A Shakespearean Summer

Just really quickly, I wanted to post two new challenges I've joined. I suppose that as I look ahead at a wonderful summer of reading and relaxing, I'm thinking about ways I can push myself to read things I want AND need! So, here are the challenges I've joined:

On June 5th through June 7th, I will joining in on "The Fourth Annual 48 Hour Book Challenge" being hosted by MotherReader. I so enjoyed cheering on all those who participated in the Dewey, 24 Hour Challenge, that I decided I really should participate by being a reader/blogger in this event! Since I fly to Hawaii for the summer on June 3rd, and will be there until August 10th, I think this would be a fun way to kick off my first weekend on summer break! Check the links above for additional information.

I've also joined the "Shakespearean Summer" Challenge, to read three plays between June 1st and August 31st. The challenge is being hosted by Liv's Book Reviews, and is also being sponsored by Liz Mantchev, who will be giving away a free copy of her book Eyes Like Stars. Here are the rules to the challenge:
So onto the rules.
1. You must read three plays by Shakespeare between June 1st and August 31st. There's a list of all of his stuff toward the bottom of this page.
2. After you've finished reading one, do a post about it on your blog. Link back to this original post in your own post so people can see what it's all a part of.
3. If you don't have a blog, leave your thoughts in the comments of this post so there's some sort of documentation.
4. The Sparknote versions of the plays can count. Because yes, Shakespeare is hard to understand and sometimes we might need a little help along the way. I know that I'll be reading some Sparknotes.
5. Have fun.
Drop by to see all the information about the challenge, and to sign up. (Click on the link above.)

I'm so looking forward to both of these challenges, and can't wait to get my summer started now! If you get a chance, come join in. :)


  1. The 48 Hour Challenge sounds so fun! Sadly I can't make it that weekend, but good luck!

    The Shakespearean Summer challenge is very, very tempting. I've been meaning to read more of his plays.

  2. Sounds like fun challenges but I'll only join if I can complete them while sitting next to you on the beach in Hawaii!!! LOL!!!

  3. 48 Hour Challenge sound fun, I'm planning to join woohoo.

  4. This looks like fun! Good luck on the two challenges!

    I just wanted to thank you again for the award and to let you know that I've just passed it on.

    thanks again!


  5. I have definitely signed up for the Shakespeare challenge as I will be reading 4 plays this summer for a course I am taking.

    I am giving serious thought to joining the 48 hour readathon as well. I typically do not read much YA literature, but I am trying to rectify that and this might be the way to help me expand my literary repertoire.
