Sunday, December 22, 2013

Sunday Blatherings: Let the Holidays & Reading Begin!

Yes, I am one happy girl today.  My holidays have officially begun, and I have a STACK of books to read! *Insert Jazz Hands Here*  Yes, a STACK! In fact, I listened to The Passion of the Purple Plumeria by Lauren Willig (#10 in the series) yesterday while I was doing laundry and some massively ignored house work.  Talk about a nice introduction to the weeks ahead.

Okay, so I wish I could say that I don't have grading over the break, but I do.  Not the normal load that I have had in the past, and at least I have two weeks to pick away at it, and not just a millisecond or my bedtime to do it all.  I'm ready for sleep and plenty of reading.  I'm still not sure why this year is kicking my butt, but it is, and I just have to keep at it until I have breaks where I can collapse into a heap of fatigue.  Sounds delightful and cheery of me to share, doesn't it?  There is no Scroogery going on here!  There is only happy, good will!

Now, do I really have a "Top of" list for 2013???  That's the next thing I have to put my brain to this week.  Maybe I'll read something fantastic that I can add to the list.

What about you?  Have you read anything great so far that you know you'll add to the list? And, what will you be reading over this holiday break?

By the way, you really should check out Neil Gaiman reading A Christmas Carol at The New York Public Library in the link below.  It really made my day to get a little of that holiday cheer.  His reading starts at about minute 11:00.  Enjoy!



  1. I do have a few that will be on my list. Now I just need time to write it!

    1. What are you up to that's keeping you busy, busy, busy?!? I should have time. I just need to MAKE the time in my case. I'd rather read or sleep. I have to be careful I don't ignore the grading I brought home as well. Yikes! :)

  2. 2013 kicked my butt, too. I hardly read. I hardly blogged. I started my reading vacation on Friday and I have to admit I can't seem to relax any more. I kept feeling like I should be doing something else. I find audio books are less guilt-inducing. I can at least do stuff while I listen... I am not sure what is up with me!

    1. I feel the same about audio books. When I can't relax, I have to listen to audio books to put me in that frame of mind. Well, I hope you were able to find some time to relax!!!
