Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Review: Zombies Hate Stuff by Greg Stones

Does anyone else think that somehow zombies are becoming the new vampire?  Not that they are the romantic lead of a story, but they sure are the new "it" monster.  I can't say where I found this cute little zombie jewel, but it sure cracked me up!

What's the premise?  Well, don't you know that Zombies Hate Stuff?  This little book is a hoot and there's no other way of putting it.  What does a zombie NOT hate?  Well, not much.  Each page pretty much focuses on one item at a time.  The funniest has to be the juxtapositions the author included, from kittens to hippies.  Talk about a weird contrast of items, but it had me snickering the whole way through it.  Honestly, this was a wacky, fun zombie-party of a time. This makes me wonder if this author has thought about a series of these books featuring different monsters/paranormals?

By the way, this is a picture book, but I'm not sure if a hatchet carrying zombie is meant for small children.  Then again, Halloween is on its way!


  1. I thought zombies only loved... BRAIIIIIIIINS.

    1. LOL. Which makes it easy to write about all the things they hate!

  2. This sounds so ridiculously fun!!!
