Sunday, August 8, 2010

Sunday Update & a Short Review

What an interesting couple of days here!  On Friday morning we had a power outage, which can be a big deal where we're located here on the island.  Basically, without other stations to tap into, it can take hours for the electricity to come back up.  We've had the electricity go off many times but it has always popped back on, but when it's the entire North Shore as it was, then we knew we were in for a longer haul.

Thankfully, we had power up by late afternoon, and I used that time to read.  Here's the thing.  I had a huge "To Do" list, but could only do one thing on there that didn't require either the computer or the Internet.  Crazy!  At first I stressed out a bit, and then I had to laugh at myself because I'm surrounded by beaches and books.  Who needs the Internet for that?

Well, we leave here to head back home on Monday.  I'm sad, but strangely eager to get back to my house and library.  I love my home library!  Plus, my mother is flying back with me to help me finish setting up my office, which is mainly bookshelves.  I'm excited to get everything put up so I can have my books up on shelves again.  It will be so nice!

This past week I finished reading Anti-Cancer, A New Way of Life by David Servan Schreiber.  I didn't want to do a longer review of the book, but did want to bring it up on my blog as I found it to be an excellent resource.  Cancer touches a lot of our lives, and thanks to a couple of pretty scary experiences of my own, I've been interested in learning more about what I can do to ward off any chance of getting cancer. 

Schreiber's book basically walks through the science of cancer and shows how the cells turn on or off based on certain factors.  By staying away from those things that would turn the cancer cells on, you can literally slow down or stop the growth of cancer cells, depending on where they are located.  He walks you through the science, foods and drinks that are filled with nutrients to ward off cancer, ways to avoid things such as pesticides and harmful chemicals, ways to meditate and ward off stress, breathing techniques to keep your body energized, and positive mental outlook to keep your mind and body connected.

Honestly, I found the book really enlightening.  I don't think I can change every negative in my life in a flash, but I am really interested in the personal accounts that showed how people fought off cancer and how I can incorporate a few more of these health factors into my own life.  If you're interested in learning more about cancer prevention, I would definitely at least check his book out.

As for the rest of my reads, here's what I'll be reading this next week.  Granted, I fly home, have meetings, and start back to work by Friday, but here's what I'll be reading in between all of that!

How about you?  What are you most looking forward to reading this coming week?


  1. I wish I had a home library! That would teh awesome. :)

  2. I can't believe that your summer in Hawaii is over already! Where did the summer go? I really can't wait for your thoughts on Eat, Pray, Love.
    -I'm most looking forward to the release of MockingJay by Suzanne Collins and Sin Undone both due out August 24.

  3. So do you know when we're supposed to start back to work? Because I haven't heard.

  4. I often feel that way on vacation: sad to leave my spot behind but eager to get home again as well. I hope everything goes well!

  5. Molly--Thanks! I have made it home and am now counting down the days until school. I'm sure you know how that is. :)

    Heidenkind--It's a hodgepodge. I just can't wait to get it all out of boxes and settled in too!

    Buckeye Girl--I'm trying to get through it and struggling. I think I'm just jealous of her life! I'm also looking forward to Mockingjay, although with school starting, I don't think I'll have time.

    Sarah--The 19th. :(

    Iris--Thank you so much. It was hard leaving Hawaii, and yet I have so much to finish up at my new house, that the transition was easier this year. Thankfully.
